
Gluten Free in Las Palmas: 200 gramos Cicer

Jan, 07, 2019

Tucked in the side street at the end of Playa de Las Canteras you will find 200 Graos Cicer. It is a cosy restaurant specializing in burgers. The prices are a little higher than at your average local restaurants, but the food is good.

Details of Establishment:

Name: 200 Gramos Cicer
:  Restaurant
LocationCalle Numancia, Calle Covadonga, esquina, 35010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas
Tips: Check out the bathroom. You will know what I am talking about.

Gluten free or not gluten free observations:

Item(s) ordered: Hamburger with gluten free bun
GF observation: The menu is not allergen marked, but they have the option of serving any burger with a gluten free bun for an extra cost. The staff need to guide you when if comes to sauces and toppings.

Celiac safety: This is not a gluten free establishment, so cross contamination could be a risk. Be careful what you order if you are Celiac as you also depend on the topping and sauces being gluten free, not only the bun. So always double check when you order.

Overall comment: This is a hip place with cool interior design. The gluten free bun was surprisingly tasty and the burger itself is grilled over charcoal. You do need to be careful, though, as the menu is not allergen marked and gluten free bun does not guarantee gluten free sauces. Always double check.

Disclaimer: The above is based on the personal experience and opinion of a Celiac traveler. For eating places, you should still inquire about the gluten free options and ingredients as recipes, kitchen routines, staff and management may have changed. Only places marked “100% Celiac safe” are confirmed free from cross contamination. This post is not sponsored.

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