Gluten Free in Bangkok: Sim Suki

Dec, 04, 2018

Hotpot is normally a safe bet when going gluten free since it is fresh ingredients and meats. The tricky part, though, is in how the cooking broth is made. At Sim Suki ALL of the broth options on the menu contain gluten, but they are happy to make you a gluten free hotpot vegetable broth.

Details of Establishment:

Name: Sim Suki
:  Hotpot and BBQ Restaurant
Location51 Thanon Krung Thon Buri, 10600, Bangkok
Nearest BTS: Wongwian Yai
Tips You need to be able to explain your needs in English, so look for the English speaking staff.

Gluten free or not gluten free observations:

Item(s) ordered: Vegetable broth | Various meats and vegetables
GF observation: No allergen markings, you need to ask the staff. There was one English speaking staff present. He informed me that all their broth contains soy sauce and/or fish sauce, but he arranged for a gluten free vegetable broth to be made off the menu. He also warned me against using any of the sauces on the table to avoid allergens.

Celiac safety: Cross contamination is a possibility in the process of making the broth. I did not have any issues during my visit.

Overall comment: A nice local restaurant with a surprisingly tasty vegetable broth. Just add all your favorite vegetables and meats and you are good to go!


Disclaimer: The above is based on the personal experience and opinion of a Celiac traveler. For eating places, you should still inquire about the gluten free options and ingredients as recipes, kitchen routines, staff and management may have changed. Only places marked “100% Celiac safe” are confirmed free from cross contamination. This post is not sponsored.

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