
Gluten Free in San Francisco: Chisme Cantina

Aug, 24, 2019

Finding a menu that is allergen marked is not as common in the US as you would think. Coming across this Mexican restaurant with a fully marked menu was therefore a real treat. The menu is clearly marked  “gluten free” where applicable, and majority of the menu is in fact safe for Celiacs. This is a great spot to eat gluten free in San Francisco.

Details of Establishment:

Name: Chisme Cantina
Type:  Restaurant
Location: 882 Sutter St, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA
TipsThe taco dishes come in 2s, but may not be sufficient to keep you full if very hungry.

Gluten free or not gluten free observations:

Item(s) ordered: Shredded chicken tacos + nachos with guacamole
GF observation: The menu is clearly allergen marked and most items on the menu are in fact gluten free.

Celiac safety: This is not a 100% gluten free establishment. Therefore, you need to be careful when it comes to cross contamination. Inform the staff if you have Celiac disease.

Overall comment: A great place to eat gluten free in San Francisco if you like Mexican food. The tacos and nachos were very good, and they even serve sangria to top it off.   

Disclaimer: The above is based on the personal experience and opinion of a Celiac traveler. For eating places, you should still inquire about the gluten free options and ingredients as recipes, kitchen routines, staff and management may have changed. Only places marked “100% Celiac safe” are confirmed free from cross contamination. This post is not sponsored.

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