Teror is not as frightening as the name might suggest. In fact, the Gran Canarian town of Teror is one of the most charming places on the island. If you decide to pay the city a visit, here are some of the sights you can expect:
1. Houses with wooden balconies and colorful exterior
2. The beautiful basilika “Nuestra Señora del Pino”
3. “Casa Consistorial” and plaza “La Alameda”
4. The spectacular view on the way to the town
Want to head to Teror?
Where it is: Click for map
How to get there: Depending on where you are staying, you can take various of buses. For instance, if you are staying in Las Palmas you will need to take 2 buses.
How long it takes: This also depends on where you are staying. From Las Palmas takes at the minimum 1 hour 10 minutes.
How much it costs: If you stay in Las Palmas, the buses will cost you approximately EUR 1.30 + EUR 2.40.