Puerto de Mogan

SIGHTSEEING: The Picturesque Fishing Village Puerto de Mogan

Feb, 07, 2019

Puerto de Mogan is located at the south side of the Spanish island Gran Canaria. While it is not grand in size, it makes up for that with its charming and picturesque buildings, vibrant colors and cozy atmosphere. If you are planning to visit the island, you should not miss out on a visit to this village – either as a day trip or overnight stay. Here is some of what awaits you:


1. Colorful houses  

Puerto de Mogan

Puerto de Mogan

Puerto de Mogan

Puerto de Mogan


2. Beautiful flower arches 

3. Marina with clear water and marine life 

Puerto de Mogan

Puerto de Mogan


4. Cozy restaurants

Puerto de Mogan


5. City beach

Puerto de Mogan


6. Interesting details

Puerto de Mogan


Want to head to Puerto de Mogán?

Where it is: Click for map
How to get there: Depending on where you are staying, you can take various of buses. There are direct buses going from Las Palmas and Maspalomas.
How long it takes: This also depends on where you are staying. From Las Palmas it takes roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes.
How much it costs: If you stay in Las Palmas, the express bus will cost a little under EUR 10 one-way.

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